After a lot of progesterone
tests we got 28 augusts at last greenness light to set
off to Czechia, we arrived there 29 augusts at Pavla
(the breeder of Ozzy) and with Indy and Ozzy it was love
at first sight.
Afterwards Pavla inveted us to have
dinner with her. After the dinner we must still looking
for a camp-site what not easy is at that time, it
did turn out better than expected because
the most of receptions have been closed around 21.00
hour but we found a camp-site. Saturday night we
have gone to Ozzy and it was still more violent than
Friday. Sunday we had lunch with Pavla and her man and
afterwards we have the amorous couple let toghter
again. At Monday we have progesterone punctures
taken in Czechia and our love birds have make love again,
afterwards we have immediately driven to our home
because we both must Tuesday go to work, when we where
un our way we get the good report that the progesterone
had gone beautiful high, now we must wait for the
ultrasound till the end of September.
Today the
26th of september we were at the vet for an echo and
Hooray Indy and Ozzy getting puppy's. At the beginning
of november the puppy's will be born.